Hi. I’m Julyan Davey and this is my newsletter!

Over the past two years I have been trying to understand why we face a climate and ecological emergency like no other.

What I have realised is that our civilization itself is bankrupt, and largely based on a patriarchal model going back at least 5000 years.

Not only are we continuing to exterminate species at an ever faster rate, but we live in deep disconnection from ourselves, each other, nature and life itself.

With my co-creator Will Franks, we created the metaphor of The Phoenix. Which represents the radical transformation of life on our planet needed for humanity to survive. Hopefully creating a thriving life-affirming society in the process.

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

Arundhati Roy

It is this new culture and how we get there that I will be exploring in this newsletter and in my articles on Medium.

My writing is inspired by my work for Extinction Rebellion in the Transformative Conflict Team.

As well as my explorations of community living, squatting, eco-villages, Possibility Management, Non-violent Communication, Processwork and much more.

Subscribe to Julyan Davey’s Newsletter

Exploring the emergence of a culture in harmony with life.


Supporting the emergence of life affirming, transformative cultures.