Julyan here. It’s been a few months since you’ve heard from me.
Spring is finally here, but these are scary times. Fascism is on the rise worldwide, the UK government is bringing in authoritarian legislation to cut down on people’s right to protest and we seem no closer to making the necessary changes to our society to prevent widespread climate and ecological devastation.
I have been feeling this looming sense of doom and asking myself how I can best respond to the world that I find myself in.
Towards the end of last year I wrote Shaping Transformative Cultures, an article about how we can create cultures in harmony with life in our communities, groups and relationships. I know supporting the emergence of these cultures is the work I was put on this planet for.
In our work of standing up to stop the present and oncoming tragedies, we must also be doing the work of ridding ourselves and our groups from the white supremacist, patriarchal thoughtware and ways of being that have inhabited our souls. Without that work things will never really change. We will only recreate the old world. Bayo Akomolafe calls this the work of postactivism.
I have this vision of thousands of people who have come into a deeper alignment with life, themselves and each other, together standing up to say: ‘No! We want something different from this’.
I’ve finally got the stability in my life to start offering this work.
Below you can see my workshops and offerings in the next two months.
Join me on this journey of reconnecting with life.
My Spring Offerings
Rage Club is an extremely safe learning environment allowing you to reconnect to the archetypal power and intelligence of your anger. 🔥
We have been taught that when we feel angry we are aggressive, out of control, dangerous, loud, crazy or hysterical.
What if we are sitting on the evolutionary rocket fuel needed to transform ourselves and our life destroying culture. ⚡️
In this four week series, we will explore using the warrior(ess) energy of anger to:
Recognise your boundaries and communicate them
say, "Yes", “No!” or “Stop!”
change things, move things, stop things, start things
get rid of things
commit, keep promises
take action
ask for what you want, or say what you don’t want
take a stand for something or for someone
maintain integrity
implement powerful intentions
Dates: I will be running two 'Intro to Rage Club' sessions the next two Wednesdays (14th and 21st April 6-8pm), where you can come and get a feel for this work.
They will be followed by a 4 Week Rage Club Series on Wednesdays (28th April and 5th, 12th, 19th March).
More details here.
I will also be running a series of interactive workshops in the next two months.
The first will be an exploration of how we betray ourselves when we come into conflict with others and how we can return to ourselves. Do you often find your head spinning with stories about everything someone else is doing wrong but wish you could come from a place of compassion? If so, then this workshop is for you! It is based on Possibility Management, my research in Edinburgh earlier this year and this book. Get in touch.
I will also be running my From Conflict to Transformation workshop for Extinction Rebellion on the 24th/27th of April. People from other groups are also welcome to attend. Details here.
Every week I will be also holding space for a Transformative Cultures Team!
We will meet every Tuesday on Zoom from 1-2:30 to explore embracing transformative, life-affirming cultures within our lives and circles. You can read more about some of my ideas behind this group in my article here.
Each week I will bring a topic and some experiments to try out together. We will also share blockages and celebrations in our journeys to reconnect with life.
The first meeting will be on the 13th of April.
Join this Telegram Group for more regular updates and zoom links.
I am available to hold space for individual emotional healing processes on Zoom with a process I’ve learnt through Possibility Management that I believe can be super supportive in unblocking whatever is stopping you from following your path in life.
I also coach in Nonviolent Communication and can facilitate conflicts using that methodology.
I will do this work on a gift economy basis (no-one turned away for lack of funds) with a preference to support activists and other change makers.
Get in touch!
Articles & Podcasts
Here’s some stuff I’ve been enjoying in the past months.
Finding our Way Podcast (lots of great episodes with the likes of Adrienne Maree Brown, Sonya Renee Taylor etc)
Forrest Landry on his Immanent Metaphysics on the Jim Rutt Show (Parts 1 & 2)
Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Article The Serviceberry on Gifting, Abundance and Reciprocity
Until next time!
In Love and Rage,